If your tooth has sustained damage, Dr. Greg Sefcik may recommend a dental crown to restore its strength, function and appearance. Your crown will be custom-made to fit your tooth and smile perfectly, giving you a beautiful and long-lasting final result for your smile. We invite you to call Lighthouse Dental at 303-657-9000 today to schedule your appointment with our dentist and learn if a dental crown in Westminster, Colorado, is right for you.

A dental crown, or cap, is a versatile restoration used to address various dental issues. It is commonly employed to restore a tooth that is significantly damaged or decayed. A dental crown is custom-made to fit over the entire tooth, starting at the gumline, effectively restoring the tooth to its original shape and size. Crowns can be crafted from different materials, including gold, porcelain or porcelain fused to metal. Porcelain crowns are particularly popular due to their ability to match the natural color and appearance of your teeth. Our dentist will assist you in determining which type of dental crown is most suitable for your smile.

Your smile may benefit from a crown in several situations where other treatments, like dental fillings, would be insufficient. Crowns serve multiple restorative and aesthetic purposes, including:

  • Protecting a tooth following root canal treatment: Ensuring the tooth remains strong and functional.
  • Anchoring and attaching a dental bridge: Providing stability for bridgework.
  • Covering and completing a dental implant: Restoring a missing tooth with a natural appearance.
  • Enhancing the beauty of your smile: Improving the appearance of discolored or misshapen teeth.
  • Strengthening a fractured or weak tooth: Providing reinforcement and preventing further damage.
  • Supporting a large filling: When a significant portion of the tooth structure is missing, a crown can provide the necessary support.

Dental crowns are a reliable and durable option for enhancing both the function and aesthetics of your teeth. If you have a tooth that is extensively damaged or decayed, a crown may be the ideal solution to restore your smile.

To determine if a dental crown is right for you, we invite you to contact our office today. Our team is here to guide you through the process and ensure you receive the best possible care for your dental health.