Revamp Your Oral Health Care with Unhealthy Food Avoidance

Are you aware of the foods that can wear down your smile? Numerous foods and drinks you consume can cause dental damage in a variety of ways. Be aware that foods may potentially chip and crack your teeth due to the fact that they are too hard or require additional chewing. Furthermore, sticky or chewy sweets are known to linger... read more »

Outlining the Basics of Tooth Restorations

  Are you in need of a smile makeover? Do you wish to have a beautiful smile even better than any that you had before? If so, tooth restoration treatments exist that can cosmetically enhance your smile to levels previously unattainable. Procedures including dental crowns, dental fillings, dental veneers, and teeth whitening treatments are all designed to drastically improve your... read more »

Brushing Your Teeth With a Quality Whitening Toothpaste

Persistent dental stains on your teeth can leave you feeling socially awkward and embarrassed about the appearance of your smile. With most cases of significant dental staining, retail grade teeth whitening products are insufficient for restoring the appearance of your teeth. In a situation such as this our experienced dentists can remove significant dental stains by administering a dental bleaching... read more »

Year End Smile Upgrades: Cavity Prevention

The most common oral ailments that can arise due to poor oral hygiene or lifestyle habits are cavities. Cavities exist when there are holes in your tooth enamel. These are typically caused by dental erosion or oral accidents. However, there are numerous things you can do to help prevent cavities in your day-to-day life.  Ask yourself the following questions: -... read more »

A Dental Bridge Can Improve Your Smile in These Ways

If you have one or multiple teeth in one area of your mouth, it’s time to review your options for tooth replacement. If needed, our dentist can replace your missing teeth with a dental bridge, which is a custom-made dental appliance that fuses replacement teeth between two dental crowns that anchor to the neighboring teeth. The placement of the dental... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Lighthouse Dental, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles. Each... read more »